Technology for Simulating Human Activities in Partial Gravity
- Simulate any gravity level from 0 to 1g
- Multi-DOF mechanism and exoskeletons
- Reliable passive technology
- Ambient lab environment
- Low cost
- Lu Q.; Ortega C. and Ma O.; “Passive gravity compensation mechanisms: technologies and applications”, Recent Patents on Eng., Vol.5, 2011.
- Paz, R.A., Barajas, J.C., Ma, O., “Autobalancing Control for a Reduced Gravity Simulator”, 2013 IEEE/ASME Intl. Conf. on Advanced Intel. Mech. (AIM), July 2013.
- Xiu, W., Ruble, K. and Ma O., “A Reduced-Gravity Simulator for Physically Simulating Human Walking in Microgravity or Reduced-Gravity Environment”, 2014 Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Auto. (ICRA), June 2014.