Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:

[1] Sathyan, A.; Ma, O. and Cohen, K.; “Genetic Fuzzy Methodology for Decentralized Cooperative UAVs to Transport a Shared Payload”, Drones, 2023.

[2] Alsamhi, S.H.; Shvetsov, A.V.; Guizani, M.; Ma, O., Curry, E.; “Blockchain-Empowered Security and Energy Efficiency of Drone Swarm Consensus for Environment Exploration," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022; doi: 10.1109/TGCN.2022.3195479.

[3] Ma, T; Zhang, T; Ma, O. “On the dynamics and control of a squirrel locking its head/eyes toward a fixed spot for safe landing while its body is tumbling in air”. Frontiers on Robotics and AI, 2022, https://doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.1030601. PMID: 36504492; PMCID: PMC9729943.

[4] Papadopoulos, E.; Aghili, F.; Ma, O.; Lampariello, R.; “Editorial: Robotic Manipulation and Capture in Space”, Frontiers on Robotics and AI, Vol. 9, 2022,|

[5] Sun, Yufeng, and Ma Ou. "Automating Aircraft Scanning for Inspection or 3D Model Creation with a UAV and Optimal Path Planning." Drones 6.4 (2022): 87, doi:

[6] Sun, Yufeng, Lin Zhang, and Ou Ma. "Force-Vision Sensor Fusion Improves Learning-based Approach for Self-Closing Door Pulling." IEEE Access (2021), doi:

[7] Barth, A.; Sun, Y.; and Ma, O.;“Genetic Fuzzy Based Method for Training Two Independent Robots to Perform a Cooperative Task”, Intelligent Service Robotics, 2021, doi:

[8] Papadopoulos, E.; Aghili, F.; Ma, O.; Lampariello, R.; “Robotic Manipulation and Capture in Space: A Survey”, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021, doi:

[9] Alsamhi, S.H.; Almalki, F.; Ma, O.; and Ansari, M.S.; “Predictive Estimation of Optimal Signal Strength from Drones over IoT Frameworks in Smart Cities”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMC.2021.3074442.

[10] Alsamhi, S.H.; Almalki, F.; Ma, O.; and Ansari, M.S.; “Predictive Estimation of Optimal Signal Strength from Drones over IoT Frameworks in Smart Cities”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021.

[11] Sathyan A.; Cohen K.; and Ma O.; “Genetic fuzzy based scalable system of distributed robots for a collaborative task”, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2020.601243.

[12] Zhang L.; Sun Y.; Barth A.; and Ma O., "Decentralized Control of Multi-Robot System in Cooperative Object Transportation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 184109-184119, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3025287.

[13] Alsamhi, S.H.; Ma, O.; and Ansari, M.S.; “Convergence of Machine Learning and Robotics Communication in Collaborative Assembly: Mobility, Connectivity and Future Perspectives”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 2020, 98(3-4), pp. 541-566.

[14] Liu, Q.; Liang, J.; and Ma, O.; “A physics-based and data-driven hybrid modeling method for accurately simulating complex contact phenomenon”, Multibody System Dynamics (2020).

[15] Ren, W.; Ma, O.; Ji, H.; and Liu, X.; "Human Posture Recognition Using a Hybrid of Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning Approaches," IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.135628-135639, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011697.

[16] Alsamhi, S.H.; Ma, O.; Ansari, M.S.; and Almalki, F., “Survey on Collaborative Smart Drones and Internet of Things for Improving Smartness of Smart Cities”, IEEE Access, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI.

[17] Alsamhi, S.H.; Ma, O.; Ansari, M.S.; Almalki, F.; and Angelides, M.; “Performance Optimization of Tethered Balloon Technology for Public Safety and Emergency Communications”, Telecommunication Systems, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-019-00580-w.

[18] Meng Q.; Liang, J.; and Ma, O., “Identification of All the Inertial Parameters of a Non-cooperative Object in Orbit”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 91, August 2019, pp. 571-582.

[19] Sathyan, A.; Cohen, K.; and Ma, O.; “Comparison Between Genetic Fuzzy Methodology and Q-Learning for Collaborative Control Design”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol.10, No.2, March 2019.

[20] Zhang L.; Li, S.; Xiong, H.; Diao, X. and Ma, O., An Application of Convolutional Neural Networks on Human Intention Prediction; International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol.10, No.5, September 2019.

[21] Sathyan, A. and Ma, O.; “Collaborative Decentralized Control of Multiple Robots Using Genetic Fuzzy Systems”, Robotica, Volume 37, Issue 11, 2019, pp. 1922-1936.

[22] Alsamhi, S.H.; Ma, O.; and Ansari, M.S.; “Survey on artificial intelligence based techniques for emerging robotic communication”. Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 72, 2019, pp.609-.

[23] Alsamhi, S.H.; Ma, O.; Ansari, M.S.; and Gupta, S.K.; “Collaboration of Drone and Internet of Public Safety Things in Smart Cities: An Overview of QoS and Network Performance Optimization”, Drones, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/drones3010013.

[24] Johansen, R.A. et al. (12 authors including O. Ma), “HABSat-1: assessing the feasibility of using CubeSats for the detection of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in inland lakes and reservoirs”, Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, Vol.35, Issue 2, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1609146.

[25] Alsamhi S.H.; Ansari M.S.; and Ma, O.; Almalki Fari; Gupta S.K., “Tethered Balloon Technology in Design Solutions for Rescue and Relief Team Emergency Communication Services”, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 203-210.

[26] Yao, H.; Ren, W.; and Ma, O.; “Understanding the True Dynamics of a Space Manipulator from Its Air-Bearing based Ground Testing”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 2018. DOI: 10.2514/1.G003501.

[27] Flores-Abad, A.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, W.; and Ma, O.; “Optimal Capture of a Tumbling Object in Orbit Using a Space Manipulator”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 86, Issue 2, 2017, pp 199–211.

[28] Xiu, W.; Zhang, L.; and Ma, O.; “Experimental Study of a Momentum-based Method for Identifying the Inertia Barycentric Parameters of a Human Body”, Multibody System Dynamics, 2016, Vol. 36(3), pp.237-255.

[29] Zhang, L.; Ma, O.; Fabre, J.; and Wood, R.; “The Motion of Center of Mass during Walking Reveals Difference between older Adults with and without a Fall History”, The International Journal of Aging and Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2015, pp.1-14.

[30] Xie, P.; Ma, O.; and Flores-Abad, A.; “Development of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle using gas-powered RC helicopter”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0954410014563361.

[31] Flores-Abad, A.; Ma, O.; Zheng, W.; Pham, K.; “Optimal Controller for a Space Robot with Uncertainties in the Boundary Conditions”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2014, pp. 2014-2017.

[32] Zhang, Z.; Xie, P.; and Ma, O.; “Bio-inspired Trajectory Generation for UAV Perching Movement Based on Tau Theory”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 11, 2014.

[33] Flores-Abad, A.; Ma, O.; Pham, K.; and Ulrich, S.; “A Review of Robotics Technologies for On-Orbit Services”, Progress in Aerospace Science, Vol.68, 2014, pp.1-26.

[34] Flores-Abad, A.; Xie, P.; Martinez-Arredondo, G.; and Ma, O.; “Verification of a Special Inertial Measurement Unit using a Quadrotor Aircraft”, International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Vol. 2(1): pp.40-55, 2014.

[35] Zhang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Xie, P.; and Ma, O.; “Bioinspired 4D Trajectory Generation for a UAS Rapid Point-to-Point Movement”. Journal of Bionic Engineering. Vol.11, No.1, pp.72–81, 2014.

[36] Flores-Abad, A. and Ma, O.; "Bio-inspired approach for a space manipulator to capture a tumbling object with minimal impact force", International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2013, pp.331-348.

[37] Lu, Q.; Liang, J.; Qiao, B.; and Ma, O.; "A new active body-weight support system capable of virtually offloading partial body mass", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 2013, pp.11-20.

[38] Hatamleh, K; Ma, O.; Flores-Abad, A.; and Xie, P.; "Development of a special inertial measurement unit for UAV applications", ASME Journal of Dyn. Syst., Meas. and Ctrl, Vol. 135, Issue 1, 2013.

[39] Yang, G. and Ma, O.; "Validation of satellite docking simulations using an air-bearing based experimental testbed", International Journal of Space Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No 3, 2013, pp.253-267.

[40] Lu, Q. and Ma, O.; “Identification of Human Inertia Properties using A Momentum-based Approach”, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 10, 2012.

[41] Ma, O.; Flores-Abad, A. and Boge, T.; “Use of industrial robots for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of satellite rendezvous and docking”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 81(1), 2012, pp.335-347.

[42] Liang, J.; Fillmore, S.; and Ma, O.; “An extended bristle friction force model with experimental validation”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol.56, 2012, pp.123-137.

[43] Liang, J.; Ma, O.; and Liu, C.; "Model reduction of contact dynamics simulation using a modified Lyapunov balancing method", Frontier of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6, No.4, 2011, pp.383-391.

[44] Liang, J. and Ma, O.; "Angular-velocity tracking with unknown dynamics for satellite rendezvous and docking", Acta Astronautica, Vol. 69, 2011, pp. 1019-1028.

[45] Lu, Q.; Ortega, C. and Ma, O.; "Passive gravity compensation mechanisms: technologies and applications", Recent Patents on Engineering, Vol.5, Issue 1, 2011, pp.32-44.

[46] Doush, I.A.; Enrico, P.; Simon, D.; Son, C.T.; and Ma, O.; "Multimodal presentation of two-dimensional charts: an investigation using open office Xml and Microsoft Excel", ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, Vol.3, Issue 2, 2010.

[47] Hatamleh, K.; Ma, O.; and Paz, R.; “A UAV model parameter identification method: A simulation study”. International Journal of Information Acquisition, Vol.6 (4): 2009, pp.225-238.

[48] Diao, X. and Ma, O.; “Force-closure analysis of 6-DOF cable manipulators with seven or more cables”, Robotica, Vol.27, 2009, pp.209-215.

[49] Ma, O. and Zhang, M.; “Modeling and control of electroporation-mediated gene delivery”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol.6, No.2, 2009, pp.228-238.

[50] Diao, X. and Ma, O.; “Vibration analysis of cable-driven parallel manipulators”, Multibody System Dynamics, Vol.21, Issue 4, 2009, pp.347-360.

[51] Ma, O.; Dang, H.; and Pham., K.; “On-orbit identification of inertia properties of spacecraft using a robotic arm”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol.31, No.6, 2008, pp.1761-1771.

[52] Diao, X. and Ma, O.; “Workspace determination of general 6-DOF cable manipulators”, Advanced Robotics, Vol.22, 2008, pp.261-278.

[53] Ma, Z.; Ma, O.; and Shashikanth, B.; “Optimal Approach to and Alignment with a Rotating Rigid Body for Capture”, Journal of the Astronautical Science, Vol.55, No.4, 2007, pp.407-419.

[54] Diao, X. and Ma, O., “A method of verifying force-closure condition for general cable manipulators with seven cables”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol.42, Issue 12, 2007, pp.1563-1576.

[55] Ma, O. and Wang, J., “Model order reduction for impact-contact dynamics simulations of flexible manipulators”, Robotica, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2007, pp.397-407.

[56] Tao, W., Zhang, M., and Ma, O., “Modeling and vibration suppression for industrial track robots”, Industrial Robot, Vol.34, No.4, July 2007, pp. 317-325.

[57] Tao, W., Zhang, M., Ma, O., and Yun, X.P., “Residual vibration analysis and suppression for SCARA robots in semiconductor manufacturing”, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol.11, No.2, 2006, pp.97-105.

[58] Weber, M.; Patel, K.; Ma, O.; and Sharf, I.; “Identification of contact dynamics model parameters from constrained robotic operations”, ASME J. of Dyn. Syst., Meas., and Ctrl, Vol.128(2), 2006, pp.307-318.

[59] Zhang, M.; Ma, O.; and Diao, X.; “Dynamics modeling and analysis of inkjet technology based oligo DNA microarray spotting”, IEEE Trans. on Auto. Science and Eng,, Vol.3, No.2, 2006, pp.159-168.

[60] Ma, O.; Wang, J.; Misra, S.; and Liu, M.; “On the validation of SPDM task verification facility”, Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol.21, No.5, 2004, pp.219-235.

[61] Van Vliet, J.; Sharf, I; and Ma, O.; “Experimental validation of contact dynamics simulation of constrained robotic tasks”. The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.19, No.12, 2000, pp.1203-1217.

[62] Ma, O. and Carr, R.; “Dynamics modelling and simulation of SPDM contact operations, Part I: simulation model and berthing 6B avionics boxes”, IFAC Proceedings, Vol.31, Issue 33, 1998, pp.159-164.

[63] Ma, O. and Carr, R.; “Dynamics modelling and simulation of SPDM contact operations, Part II: SPDM handling the IEA battery ORUs”, IFAC Proceedings, Vol.31, Issue 33, 1998, pp.165-170.

[64] Ma, O.; Buhariwala K.; Neil R.; Maclean J.; and Carr R.; "MDSF - A generic development and simulation facility for flexible, complex robotic systems", Robotica, Vol.15, No.1, 1997, pp. 49-62.

[65] Ma, O. and Angeles J.; "Architecture singularities of parallel manipulators", International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 1992, Vol.7, No.1, pp.23-29.

[66] Angeles, J. and Ma, O.; "Performance evaluation of four-bar linkages for rigid-body guidance based on generalized coupler curves", ASME Trans., J. of Mech. Design, 1991, Vol.113 (No.1), pp.17-24.

[67] Angeles, J.; Ma, O.; and Rajas, A.; "An algorithm for the inverse dynamics of n-axis general manipulators using Kane's equations", International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1989, Vol.17, No.12, pp.1545-1561.

[68] Angeles, J. and Ma, O.; "Dynamic simulation of n-axis serial robotic manipulators using a natural orthogonal complement", International Journal of Robotic Research, 1988, Vol.7, No.5, pp.32-47.

[69] Ma, O. and Angeles, J.; "Performance evaluation of pathe-generating planar, spherical and spatial four-bar mechanisms", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1988, Vol.21, pp.257-268.

Book Chapters

[1] Diao, X.; Ma, O. and Zhang, M.; “Contact Dynamic Simulation of Micro-/Nano-scale Manipulation for Medical Applications”, a chapter of Systems Engineering Approach to Medical Automation, edited by R. Felder, M. Alwan, and M. Zhang, Artech House Publishers, 2008, ISBN: 9781596931640.

[2] Ma, O. and Zhang, M.; “Modeling and control of electroporation-mediated gene delivery process for gene therapy”, Chapter 17 of Life Science Automation: Fundamentals and Applications, edited by M. Zhang, B. Nelson and R.A. Felder, Artech House Publishers, 2007.

[3] Ma, O. and Xie, P.; “Unmanned Vehicle Systems and Technologies for Geomatics Applications”, Chapter 2 of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems for Geomatics, 2019, ISBN: 978-184995-127-2.


[1] Ma, O. and Wang, J., “Apparatus and method for reduced-gravity simulation”, US Patent #8,152,699, April 2012.

[2] Ma, O., Ortega, C., Ruble, K., Lu, Q., “Multi-degree-of-freedom test stand for unmanned air vehicles”, US Patent #8,353,199, January 2013.

[3] Ma, O., “Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Gravity Augmenting Machine”, US Patent pending 2014.

[4] Ma, O. and Ruble K., “Six degrees of freedom free-motion test apparatus”, US Patent #9,228,917, January 2016.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

[1] Sun, Y. and Ma, O.; “Drone-based Automated Exterior Inspection of an Aircraft using Reinforcement Learning Technique”, AIAA 2023 SciTech, National Harbor, MD, Jan 23-27, 2023,

[2] Sathyan, A.; Ma, O.; Cohen, K.; “Genetic Fuzzy Methodology for Decentralized Multi-UAV Cooperation with Physical Constraints”, AIAA 2023 SciTech, National Harbor, MD, Jan 23-27, 2023.

[3] Dong, J; Barth, A.; Ma, O., “Development of a Bio-Inspired Hopping Leg for Lunar Exploration Rover”, ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022); Oct.30-Nov.3, 2022, Columbus, OH.

[4] Bisig, Caleb and Ma, Ou; “Scalable and Robust Decentralized Cargo Transport via Genetic Fuzzy Systems”, Proc. of 2022 AIAA SciTech, San Diego,

[5] Barth, A.; Cohen, K.; Ma, O. “A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Spacecraft Landing Site Selection”. In: Rayz J., Raskin V., Dick S., Kreinovich V. (eds) Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. NAFIPS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 258, 2022. Springer.

[6] Barth, A. and Ma, O., “Study of Hopping Mechanics for Different Terrain Conditions for Hopping on a Low-Gravity Surface”; 2021 AIAA Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery (ASCEND 2021), November 15-17, 2021, Las Vigas, NV.

[7] Barth, A.; Ma, O.; Putman, P.; Walker, A., “Determining an optimal attitude profile for thermal management of a remote sensing cubesat”; 2021 AIAA Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery (ASCEND 2021), November 15-17, 2021, Las Vigas, NV.

[8] Barth, A.; Zhang, L.; Ma, O., “Cooperation of a Team of Heterogeneous Swarm Robots for Space Exploration”; 2021 IFA International Astronautical Congress, Oct. 25-29, 2021, Dubai.

[9] Sun Y. and Ma O.; “Automating Aircraft Exterior Inspection with Robotics and Machine Learning Technologies”, to be published at Proc. of the ASME 2020 Intl. Mech. Eng Congress and Exposition (IMECE202), Nov. 16-19, 2020, Portland, OR.

[10] Sahay P.; Dong J.; Bisig C.; and Ma O.; “Robotic handling of Jet Engine Turbine Blade using Collaborative Robot”, Proc. of the ASME 2020 Intl. Mech. Eng Congress and Exposition (IMECE202), Nov. 16-19, 2020, Portland, OR.

[11] Barth A, Bisig C., Ma O., Dong J., and Abdallah S. “CableCat: An Autonomous System to Develop Power and Data Infrastructure on the Moon”, IAF International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, October 2020.

[12] Sun Y., Zhang, L. and Ma O., “Robotics-Assisted 3D Scanning of Aircraft”, Proc. of AIAA Aviation Forum, June 15-19, 2020, Reno, Nevada.

[13] Bisig C.; Montejo J.; Verbryke M.; Sathyan A.; and Ma O., “Genetic Fuzzy Systems for Decentralized, Multi-UAV Cargo Handling”, Proceedings of AIAA SciTech, Jan 6-10, 2020, Orlando, FL.

[14] Sun Y., Barth A. and Ma O., “An Intelligent Approach for a Two-robot Team to Perform a Cooperative Task”, Proceedings of AIAA SciTech, Jan 6-10, 2020, Orlando, FL.

[15] Liu, Qian; Ma, O.; and Li, Haiquan, “A Novel Hybrid Modeling Method for Contact Problems”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2019), August 18-21, 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA.

[16] Zhang, L., Li, S., Xiong, H., Diao, X., Ma, O. and Wang, Z, “Prediction of Intention Behind a Single Human Action: An Application of Convolutional Neural Network”, Proc. of 9th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Cyber Tech. in Auto., Control, and Intelligent Systems, Suzhou, China 7/29-8/2, 2019.

[17] Sathyan, A. and Ma, O., “Collaborative Control of Multiple Robots using Genetic Fuzzy Systems Approach”, Proc. of Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2018), Atlanta, GA, September 30-October 3, 2018.

[18] Sathyan, Ma, O., and Cohen K., “Intelligent Approach for Individual Space Robots Performing Collaborative Tasks”, Proc. of AIAA Space Forum, Orlando, FL, Sept. 16-18, 2018.

[19] Meng,Q. and Ma, O., “Estimate of All the Inertial Parameters of a Free-Floating Object in Orbit”, Proc. of 2018 GNC Conference, AIAA SciTech, Orlando, Florida, Jan 2018.

[20] Beck, Richard et al., “Adapting Low-Cost Drone Technology to CubeSats for Environmental Monitoring and Management: Harmful Algal Bloom Satellite-1 (HABsat-1)”, 32nd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellite, Logan, UT, August 4-9, 2018.

[21] Zhang, L., Diao, X., and Ma, O., “A Preliminary Study on a Robot’s Prediction of Human Intention”, Proc. of the 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Cyber Tech. in Auto., Ctrl., and Intel. Syst., July 31–Aug 4, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.

[22] Xiao, X., Ma, O., and Asano, F., “Control Walking Speed by Approximate-kinetic-model-based Self-adaptive Control on Underactuated Compass-like Bipedal Walker”, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), May 29 – June 3, Singapore.

[23] Wu, S., Mou, F.L., and Ma, O., “Contact Dynamics and Control of a Space Manipulator Capturing a Rotating Object”, Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, SciTech 2017, Grapevine, TX, January 9-13, 2017.

[24] Martinez, G., Ma, O., and Taylor, G., “Suborbital Flight Experiment of A Flight-in-Flight Payload for Testing A Robotics-Based Satellite Inertia Estimate Method”, Proc. of the AIAA Space and Exposition 2016, Long Beach, CA, Sept. 12-16, 2016.

[25] Xiao, X., Asano, F. and Ma, O., “Analytical solution of target walking speed generation by underactuated compass-like bipedal walker”, Proc. of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robots and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Qingdao, China, Dec. 5-8, 2016.

[26] Wu, S., Mou, F.L., and Ma, O., “Study of a Space Robot Capturing a Fast Rotating Object from a Floating Spacecraft”, Proc. of The 2016 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2016), Beijing, China, June 20-22, 2016.

[27] Zhang, X., Han, D.P., and Ma, O., “Using Modified Industrial Robots to Emulate the Contact Dynamics Behavior of A Space Manipulator”, Proc. of The 2016 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2016), Beijing, China, June 20-22, 2016.

[28] Ma, O., Chen, T., Zhao, Z., “Understanding the Dynamics of a Space Manipulator from Its Testing with Air-Bearing based Support Equipment”, Proc. of AIAA Space and Exposition, Pasadena, CA, Aug. 31-Sept .3, 2015.

[29] Xie, P., Ma, O., Zhang, L., Zhao, Z., “A Bio-inspired UAV Leg-Foot Mechanism for Landing, Grasping and Perching Tasks”, Proc. of AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, Kissimmee, FL, Jan. 5-9, 2015.

[30] Zhang, L., Ma, O., Fabre, J. M., Wood, R. H., Garcia, S., Ivey, K., McCann, E., “Classification of older adults with/without a fall history using machine learning methods”, IEEE International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.

[31] Xiu, W., Ruble, K. and Ma O., “A Reduced-Gravity Simulator for Physically Simulating Human Walking in Microgravity or Reduced-Gravity Environment”, Proc. of 2014 Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Auto. (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, May 31-June 5, 2014.

[32] Wood, R.H., Fabre, J. M., Ma, O., Deleon, P., and Zhang, L., “Emerging measures of falls screening and assessment”, Proc. of the 4th Annual International Aging Conference. Manchester, UK, November, 2014.

[33] Xie, P., and Ma, O., “Grasping analysis of a bio-inspired UAV/MAV perching mechanism”, Proc. of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition Conference (IMECE), Nov. 15-21, 2013, San Diego, CA. Paper # IMECE2013-66526.

[34] Zhang, Z., Xie, P., and Ma, O., “Bio-inspired trajectory generation for UAV perching”, Proc. 2013 IEEE/ASME Intl. Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Wollongong, Australia, July 9-12, 2013.

[35] Paz, R.A., Barajas, J.C., Ma, O., “Autobalancing Control for a Reduced Gravity Simulator”, Proc. 2013 IEEE/ASME Intl. Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Wollongong, Australia, July 9-12, 2013.

[36] Xiu, W. and Ma, O., “Relation between End-Effector Impedance and Joint Friction of Statically-Balanced Mechanisms”, Proc. of 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference (DSCC), October 21-23, 2013, Palo Alto, CA, Paper No. DSCC2013-4095.

[37] Flores-Abad, A., Wei, Z., Ma, O., and Pham, K., “Optimal Control of a Space Robot to Approach a Tumbling Object for Capture with Uncertainties in the Boundary Conditions”, Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Aug.19-22, 2013, Boston, MA; Paper #AIAA-2013-4522.

[38] Pu, X., Ma, O., and Zhang, Z., “A Bio-inspired Approach for UAV Landing and Perching”, Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Conference, Aug.19-22, 2013, Boston, MA; Paper #AIAA-2013-5108.

[39] Ma, O., Ruble, K., Tessier, R., and Krech, E., “A New Technology for Physically Simulating 3D Free Floating and Rotating of an Object in Zero-Gravity Environment”, Proc. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Aug.19-22, 2013, Boston, MA; Paper #AIAA-2013-4677.

[40] Ma, O.; Flores-Abad, A.; and Pham, K.; "Control of a Robot for Minimal Impact to the Base Satellite for Capturing a Moving Object", Proc. 12th Intl. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (iSAIRAS), Sept.3-7, 2012, Turin, Italy.

[41] Flores-Abad A., Xie P., and Ma O., “Test of a Special Inertial Measurement Unit using a Quadrotor Aircraft”, Proc. of 2012 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conferences, August 13-16, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

[42] Zhang, L., Ma, O., and Wood, R., “A Pilot Study of Dynamic Stability Indices for Potential Application of Identifying Older Adult Fallers”, Proc. of ASME Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, October 17–19, 2012, doi:10.1115/DSCC2012-MOVIC2012-8562.

[43] Ma, O., Flores-Abad, A., and Boge, “Using Industrial Robots for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking”, Proc. 2012 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.

[44] Liang J., Ma O., and Liu C., “Relative Contact Dynamics and Its Application on Manipulator’s Contact Stability Problem”, Proc. 2012 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.

[45] Xiu W., Lu Q. and Ma O., “Trajectory Estimation of Human Mass Center based on an Inertia Identification Approach”, Proc. 2012 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.

[46] Flores-Abad A. and Ma O., "Control of a Robot for Minimal Impact to the Base Satellite for Capturing A Moving Object", Proc. 2012 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposiums - Sensors and Systems for Space Applications, April 23-27, 2012, Baltimore, MD. SPIEdoi:10.1117/12.918523.

[47] Lu Q., Xiu W. and Ma O., "On the Impedance of Statically-Balanced Mechanisms", Proc. 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.29-31, 2011, Washington, DC.

[48] Liang J. and Ma O., "Model Reduction of Contact Dynamics Simulation using Modified Lyapunov Balancing Method", Proc. of 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.29-31, 2011, Washington, DC.

[49] Xie P., Gardner B. and Ma O., "Integration of an Autopilot System with a Hobby RC Helicopter", Proc. of 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Aug.29-31, 2011, Washington, DC.

[50] Liang J., Ma O. and Liu C., "Linearization and Model Reduction of Contact Dynamics Simulation", Proc. of 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference (DSCC), Oct.31-Nov.2, 2011, Arlington, VA.

[51] Xie P.,Flores-Abad A., Martinez G. and Ma O., "Development of a Small UAV with Autopilot Capability", Proc. of 2011 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, August 8-11, 2011, Portland, Oregon.

[52] Boge, T. and Ma O., “Using Advanced Industrial Robotics for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Simulation”, Proc. of the 2011 Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Auto. (ICRA), Shanghai, China, May 9-13, 2011.

[53] Martinez G., Inzunza-Ibarra M., Ferrel I., Herrera B. and Ma O., “Development of a Suborbital Flight Experiment for Validating A Satellite Inertia Identification Method”, 2011, SPIE 8044, 80440H (2011); doi:10.1117/12.887253.

[54] Ma O., Fillmore S., and Zebenay M., “Control of an Industrial Robot for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Satellite Docking”, Proc. of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium - Space Missions and Technologies, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.

[55] Ma, O., Lu, Q., McAvoy, J., and Ruble, K., “Concept study of a passive reduced-gravity simulator for training astronauts”, Proc. ASME 2010 Intl. Design Eng. Tech. Conf. (IDETC), Aug.15-18, 2010, Montreal, Paper #DETC2010-29079.

[56] Boge, T., Wimmer, T., Ma, O. and, Zebenay, M., "EPOS – A Robotics-Based Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator for Simulating Satellite RvD Operations", Proc. 10th Intl. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (iSAIRAS), Aug.29-Sept.1, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.

[57] Lu, Q. and Ma, O., "A Momentum-Based Algorithm for Identifying the Inertia Properties of a Human Body: A Preliminary Study", Proc 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), September 13-15, 2010, Cambridge, MA, Paper #4052.

[58] Fillmore, S., Liang, J. and Ma, O., "Experimental validation of a 2D bristle friction force model", Proc. 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), September 13-15, 2010, Cambridge, MA, Paper #4031.

[59] Boge T., Wimmer T., Ma O., Tzschichholz T., “EPOS – using robotics for RvD simulation of on-orbit servicing missions”, Proc. of the AIAA Simulations Technologies Conf., Aug. 2-5, 2010, Toronto, Paper #AIAA-2010-7788.

[60] Hatamleh, K., Ma, O., and Paz, R., "An UAV parameters identification method", Proc. of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mech. Conf., Aug. 2-5, 2010, Toronto, Paper #AIAA-2010-7649.

[61] Hatamleh, K., Flores-Abad, A., Xie, P., Martinez, G., Herrera, B. and Ma, O., “Development of an inertial measurement unit for unmanned aerial vehicles”, Proce. 7th Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference, 27-29 September, 2010, Amman, Jordan.

[62] Liang, J., Fillmore, S. and Ma, O., "A 2D Bristle Friction Force Model for General Contact Dynamics Simulation", Proc. of the 1st ASME, IFToMM, IUAM, JSME and KSME Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, May 25-27, 2010, Lappeenranta, Finland.

[63] Bruggemann, J., Ferrel, I., Martinez, G., Xie, P., and Ma, O., "Zero-G experimental validation of a robotics-based inertia identification algorithm", Space Missions and Technologies Conference, SPIE Proceedings Vol.7691, 2010, DOI: 10.1117/12.849772.

[64] Lu, Q., McAvoy, J., and Ma, O., "A Simulation Study of using a Gravity-Balanced Mechanism to Simulate human walking in a Reduced-Gravity Environment", Proc. the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Oct.12-14, 2009, Hollywood, CA.

[65] Ma, O., Liang, J. and Fillmore, S., "A 2D bristle friction force model for contact dynamics simulation", accepted for publication at the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Oct.12-14, 2009, Hollywood, CA.

[66] Hatamleh, K., Ma, O., Gilbert, J. and McAvoy, J., "An UAV model parameter identification method", Proc. of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Tech. Conf., Aug. 10-13, 2009, Chicago, IL, Paper # AIAA-2009-6136.

[67] Hatamleh, K., Ma, O., and Paz, R., "In-flight UAV parameters identification: A simulation study", Proc. of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conf., Aug. 10-13, 2009, Chicago, IL, Paper # AIAA-2009-5936.

[68] Ortega, C., Ma, O., and Ruble, K., "Gravity-balanced test stand for testing micro air vehicles", Proc. of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conf., Aug. 10-13, 2009, Chicago, IL, Paper # AIAA-2009-5734.

[69] Liang, J., Hernandez, A., Ma, O., Qiao, B., and Paz, R., “Nonhuman test of a new active body support system for improving locomotion training”, Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 14-17, 2009, Singapore, pp.1312-1317.

[70] Lu, Q,, Ma, O., Qiao, B., "Virtually offloading body mass for rehabilitation: a simulation study", Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, June.23-26, 2009, Kyoto, Japan, pp.972-977.

[71] Doush I.A., Enrico P., Simon D., Son C.T., Ma O., "Making Microsoft Excel™ Accessible: Multimodal Presentation of Charts", Proc. 11th International ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and Accessibility, pp.147-154, 2009.

[72] Diao, X., Liang, J., and Ma, O., "Angular-velocity tracking with unknown dynamics for satellite rendezvous and docking", Proc. of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conferences, April 13-17, 2009, Orlando, FL, Volume 7330, pp. 733004-733004-11.

[73] Lu, Q., Ortega, C. and Ma, O., “A gravity balanced test stand for flight testing of small/micro unmanned aerial vehicles”, Proc. ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, Boston, MA, Oct.31-Nov.6, 2008, paper #IMECE2008-67978.

[74] Bruggemann, J., Cole, J.R., Gilbert, J., Kecman, M., Skaggs-Ryan, G., and Ma, O., “Experimental testbed for testing a robotics based identification method”, Proc. ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, Boston, MA, Oct.31-Nov.6, 2008, paper #IMECE2008-66651.

[75] Ma, O., Hernandez, A., Liang, J., and Paz, R., “A testbed for testing an active body support system for locomotion training”, Proc. 2008 IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 2-5, 2008, Xi’an, China, pp.996-1001.

[76] Diao, X., Ma, O., and Lu, Q., “Singularity analysis of planar cable-driven parallel manipulators”, Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics, Sept.21-24, 2008, Chengdu, China, pp.272-277.

[77] Diao, X. and Ma, O., “Force-closure analysis of general 6-DOF cable manipulators”, Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’07), San Diego, CA, USA, Oct.29-Nov.2, 2007. pp.3931-3936.

[78] Ma, O., Diao, X., and Zhang, M., “Simulation of nanomanipulation using compliance-based contact dynamics modeling technique”, Proc. of ASME Int. Design Eng. Tech Confs. and Computers and Info. Conf. (IDETC), Sept.4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, NV, Paper # DETC2007/VIB-35691.

[79] Ma, O. and Kim, J., “A robotics-based testbed for verifying a systematic method of identifying contact-dynamics model parameters”, Proc. of ASME Int. Design Eng. Tech Confs. and Computers and Info. Conf. (IDETC), Sept.4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, NV, Paper # DETC2007-35092.

[80] Diao, X. and Ma, O., “Vibration analysis of cable-driven parallel manipulators for hardware-in-the-loop contact-dynamics simulation”, Proc. of ASME Int. Design Eng. Tech Confs. and Computers and Info. Conf. (IDETC), Sept.4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, NV, Paper #DETC2007/VIB-35093.

[81] Ma, O., Dang, H., and Pham, K.., “On-orbit identification of inertia properties of spacecraft using robotics technology”, Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., Hilton Head, SC, Aug. 20-23, 2007, Paper # AIAA-2007-6815.

[82] Reveles, R., Ma, O., Maes, M., and Kim, J., “Fuzzy-neural model based control of a mobile robot for chasing a moving target”, Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR’07), Jeju, Korea, Agu.21-24, 2007, pp.808-813.

[83] Kim, J. and Ma, O., “Testing of a contact-dynamics parameters identification method using a robotics-based testbed”, Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR’07), Jeju, Korea, Agu.21-24, 2007, pp.975-980.

[84] Lin, B.W. and Ma, O., “Modeling and analysis of human binocular perception of position and velocity in the visual cortex”, Proc. the 2007 Inter. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN’07), Orlando, Fl, USA, Aug.12-17, 2007, Paper # 1273.

[85] Ma, O., Diao, X., Matinez, L. and Sarkodie-Gyan, T., “Dynamically removing partial body mass using acceleration feedback for neural training”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR’07), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 2007, pp.1102-1107.

[86] Ma, O., Dang, H. and Pham, K., “Simulation study of a robotics-based method for on-orbit identification of spacecraft inertia properties”, SPIE Defense and Security Symp, Orlando, Fl, April 9-13, 2007, Paper #65555-47.

[87] Ma, Z., Ma, O. and Shashikanth, B., “Optimal control for spacecraft to rendezvous with a tumbling satellite in a close range”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’06), Beijing, China, Oct.9-15, 2006, pp.4109-4114.

[88] Ma, O. and Yang, G., “Validation of a satellite docking simulator using the SOSS experimental testbed”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’06), Beijing, China, Oct.9-15, 2006, pp.4115-4120.

[89] Diao, X. and Ma, O., “Workspace analysis of a 6-DOF cable robot for hardware-in-the-loop Dynamic simulation”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’06), Beijing, China, Oct.9-15, 2006, pp.4103-4108.
[Citations: 10].

[90] Diao, X., Ma, O., and Paz, R., "Study of 6-DOF cable-robots for potential application of HIL microgravity contact-dynamics simulation", Proc. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, Keystone, CO, August 21-24, 2006, AIAA-2006-6732, pp. 1097-1110.

[91] Ma, O. and Boyden, S., “A robotics-based testbed for verifying a method of identifying contact-dynamics model parameters”, SPIE Defense and Security Symp, Orlando, Fl, April 18-21, 2006, Paper #6221-2, p.622102.

[92] Diao, X., Ma, O., and Liu, M., “Dynamics of a robotics-based hardware-in-the-loop simulator for verifying microgravity contact dynamics”, SPIE Defense and Security Symp, Orlando, Fl, April 18-21, 2006, Paer #6221-4, p.622104.

[93] Tao, W., Zhang, M. and Ma, O., “Modeling and vibration suspension for industrial track robots”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Auto. (ICRA’06), Orlando, FL, May 2006, pp.1072-1077.

[94] Ma, O. and Horan, S., “NMSU Nanosatellite with robotics capabilities”, Proc. of the 8th Int. symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS’05), Munich, Germany, Sept.5-9, 2005, pp.145-152.

[95] Ma, O., Yang, G. and Diao, X., “Experimental validation of CDT-based satellite docking simulations using SOSS testbed”, Proc. of the 8th Inter. symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Auto. in Space (i-SAIRAS’05), Munich, Germany, Sept.5-9, 2005, pp.441-447.

[96] Ma, O. and Diao, X., “Dynamics analysis of a cable-driven parallel manipulator for hardware-in-the-loop dynamic simulation”, Proc. of the 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM’05), 24-28 July, 2005, Monterey, CA, pp.837-842.

[97] Ma, O. and Wang, J., "Model order reduction for contact dynamics simulations of flexible multibody systems", Proc. of the 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, Paper # 2005-2262, April 18-21, 2005.

[98] Zhang, M. and Ma, O., “Dynamic modeling and analysis of Oligo DNA microarray spotting”, Proc. American Control Conf. (ACC’05), Portland, Oregon, June 8-10, 2005, pp.388-393.

[99] Ma, O., "Model order reduction for contact dynamics simulations of manipulator systems", Proc. of IEEE Inter. Conf. on Robotics and Auto., New Orleans, LA, April 27-30, 2004, pp.1814-1819.

[100] Dupris, E., Doyon, M., Martin, E., Allard, P., Piedboeuf, J.-C., and Ma, O., “Autonomous operations for space robots”, Proc., 55th IAF International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, Oct.4-8, 2004, Vol.12, pp. 8019-8026.

[101] Ma, O., Wang J., Misra S., and Liu M., “Validation Plan for SPDM Task Verification Facility”, Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, Nara, Japan, May 19-23, 2003.

[102] Ma, O., Crabtree, D., Jones, H., Yang, G., Martin, E., Carr, R., and Piedboeuf, J.C., “Development and applications of a simulink-based satellite docking simulator with generic contact dynamics capabilities”, Proc., the 2002 IAF World Space Congress, Houston, TX, Oct.10-19, 2002, p.U-3-02.

[103] Weber, M., Ma, O., and Sharf, I., “Identification of contact dynamics model parameters from constrained robotic operations”, ASME Design Eng. Tech. Conf. and Computers in Eng Conf., Montreal, Canada, Sept.29-Oct.2, 2002, pp. 1289-1298.

[104] Carretero, J.A., Nahon, M., and Ma, O., “Using genetic algorithms with niche formation to solve the minimum distance problem amongst concave objects”, ASME Design Eng. Tech. Conf. and Computers in Eng Conf., Sept.29-Oct.2, 2002, Montreal, DETC2002-DAC34105.

[105] Carretero, J.A., Nahon, M.A. and Ma, O., “Solving distance problems with concave bodies using Simulated Annealing”, Proc of the 2001 IROS Conference, Maui, Hawaii, US, October 29-November 3, 2001, pp. 1507-1512.

[106] Carr, R., Ma O., Yang, G., Jones, H., Bolger, J. Martin, E., Piedboeuf, J.C., and Crabtree, D., “A simulink-based satellite docking simulator with generic contact dynamics capabilities”, The 6th Int. Symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space, Montreal, Canada, June 2001.

[107] Ma, O., “CDT – a general contact dynamics toolkit”, Proc. 31st International Symposium on Robotics, Montreal, Canada, May 2000, pp.468-473.

[108] Ma, O. and Martin, E., “Extending the capability of attitude control systems to assist satellite docking missions”, Proc. of 2000 CCToMM workshop, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, July, 2000.

[109] Nahon, M., Ma, O., Piedboeuf, J.-C., and DeCarufel J., “A distance determination algorithm for real-time simulation of contact dynamics’’, Proc. of the 10th CASI Conference on Astronautics, Ottawa, October, 1998, pp.51-57.

[110] Crabtree, D., Buhariwala, K., Ma O., Maclean, J., and Poirier, A., "The manipulator development simulation facility, a generic facility for development of flexible robotics manipulators", Presented at the 47th IAF Int. Astronautical Congress, October 1996, Beijing, China.

[111] Ma, O., "Contact dynamics modelling for the simulation of Space Station manipulators handling payloads", Proc. of the 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Auto., May 1995, Nagoya, Japan, pp.1252-1258.

[112] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "Optimum design of manipulators under dynamic isotropy conditions", Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Rob. and Auto., May 2-7, 1993, Atlanta, Georgia, Vol.1, pp.470-475.

[113] Ma, O. and Nahon, M., "A general method of computing the distance between two moving objects", Proc. of ASME 1992 Design Automation Conference, Sept. 13-16, 1992, Scottsdale, Arizona, Vol.1, pp.109-117.

[114] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "Optimum architecture design of platform manipulators", Proc. of 1991 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, June 19-22, 1991, Pisa, Italy, Vol.2, pp.1130-1135.

[115] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "Architecture singularities of platform manipulators", Proc. of 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 1991, Sacramento, California, Vol.2, pp.1542-1548.

[116] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "An algorithmic approach for the direct-kinematics of special Steward-platform manipulators", Proc. of 3rd International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, July 18-20, 1990, Vancouver, BC, Vol.1, pp.3-10.

[117] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "The concept of dynamic isotropy and its applications to inverse kinematics and trajectory planning", Proc. of 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 13-18 ,1990, Cincinnati, Ohio, Vol.1, pp.481-486.

[118] Angeles, J. and Ma, O., "QUADMIN: an integrated package for constrained nonlinear least-square problems", Proc. of 1989 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, July 1989, Anaheim, CA, Vol.2, pp.247-252.

[119] Ma, O. and Angeles, J., "Direct kinematics and dynamics of a parallel three-DOF parallel manipulator", Proc. of 1989 ASME Design and Automation Conference, September 1989, Montreal, Vol.3, pp.313-320.

[120] Angeles, J., Ma, O. and Patel, R.V., “DYNVERS: an integrated package for robotic manipulators' inverse and direct dynamics”, ASME Int. Conf. on Computers in Engineering, San Francisco, CA, Jul 31-Aug 4, 1988, p 439-445.